A Love Letter to Mankind

Who we are

The evolution of Chocolate in a Bottle wasn't instantaneous; it demanded years of diligent effort, hard work, and steadfast commitment.

My professional journey commenced at the renowned Ter Duinen catering school in Koksijde, Belgium, where I specialized in Hotel Management and sommelier studies. With invaluable experience garnered from esteemed Michelin-starred restaurants across Belgium, France, and Switzerland, I eventually assumed the role of General Manager at a hotel near Antwerp. Over nine years in the hospitality industry, I acquired not just expertise but also a diverse linguistic repertoire and a valuable network.

Driven by a desire for autonomy and armed with determination, I embarked on a mission to showcase Belgian specialties globally. While met with varying degrees of success, the pivotal moment arrived during a stint in Oman, where the concept of Chocolate in a Bottle was born.

In 2010, I joined forces with Denis, a seasoned wine producer, to realize this vision. Through meticulous experimentation and collaboration, we successfully blended French chardonnay grapes with the rich flavors of Belgian chocolate.

However, the journey to success was riddled with challenges. I undertook additional employment, distributed promotional materials, and invested personal savings to fund product development and brand registration. Yet, with strategic support from Flanders Investment and Trade, our endeavors gained momentum.

Today, with a presence in 50 countries and counting, Chocolate in a Bottle stands as a testament to perseverance, collaboration, and strategic investment.

Founder: Tom De Bruyn